Saturday, February 16, 2008

My resolution in 2008

I have tagged by Vita to make 8 resolutions in my life, now I do it.  Especially in this valentine e day I share my dream to all of you my friends:

  1. I will have more time to pray and learn more about life (Recently I spend my time more for reading Bible and books which widen my knowledge).
  2. I will love my self and Arka more than before.
  3. I will have more time for Arka since no need to work a whole day since I am becoming a powerful money magnet hiiiiiiiiiii……………….
  4. I will have a good quality living standard so Arka and I will healthier and happier.
  5. I will get married with a perfect man and he will be a good father for my son :D, so any one have idea to introduce me to a good guy he he he he he……….
  6. I am going to have a comfortable and unique house. Every one will enjoy the view of my house so come to my house when I have it, kiki kik kikkkk…….
  7. On my birthday last time I make 28 list those I want to have and one of them is  having black style dress: a black jeans, a pair of black boot, black gloves and black helmet it will be complete with black leather jacket and black motor bike, wow coolllll…. Another wishes are : having The SECRET books original version, a digital watch, Estee Lauder perfume, a red lipstick, digital camera and laptop :p……
  8. I will more diligent learning English for teaching so one day when I get chance to get Bachelor degree in English I can be a good teacher and educator.

To anyone who not yet make their resolution so make it and believe it;


  1. You are absolutely right my dear Stefany, everything is possible, but YOU have to work on it. I know that you wanna to, because it belongs to your resolution-list. I wish you success !

  2. orang yang takut akan Tuhan dan dekat dengan Tuhan pasti disayangi... dan pasti kamu juga akan mendapat jawabanmu tahun ini ... God bless you and Arka!

  3. I wish I can be like you ..have more time to read and learn holy bible.
    I envy you!

  4. untuk no. 5 , jangan lupa kirim undangan ke london yaaa wuk

  5. Makasih tante Sylvie, iya ini aku terus memupuk semangat untuk lebih cerdas dalam kerja dan belajar lebih di tempat kerjaku yang baru.
    Belajar melihat dan menyikapi situasi yang kadang perlu kesabaran karena situasi dan karakter yang berbeda.

  6. Thanks mbak Lina, aku dah mulai bisa mencerna beberapa hal baik yang direncanakan Tuhan untukku, ada beberapa kejadian yang aku alami akhir2 ini semakin membuat aku yakin Tuhan telah siapakan rencana baik untukku.

  7. Mbak Ayu bisa aja, aku juga belum serius bgt koq cuma mengikuti dorongan hatiku memberi inspirasi lebih dalam menjalani hari-hariku saat baru jobless kmrn khan aku ga banyak kegiatan, dan itupun kulakukan saat Arka sdh benar2 tertidur pulas.
    Buat no. 5 boleh aja sih, cuma skrng belum muncul nih calonnya he he he, ada cowok jomblo cakep dan tajir baik hati kah yang bisa kaukenalkan padaku kikk kikkk kikkkk
